We provide you data about 486M domain names. There are 137М domains with PageRank between 0 and 9 in the set and the rest don't have any (N/A).
No. We can show you only Google PR for the homepage of each domain.
The set of data that we provide is collected after the last Google PageRank Update on December 6th 2013 so it's the last known PR of these domains.
Yes, of course. We're collecting various data about the domains - just ask us. We have one of the largest databases of domain names and websites with about 625M domains and growing.
Send us what data you need and we'll answer you in 48h if we are able to do what you want.
We don't sell the whole data but we can offer you some useful chunk of it. For example: all domains with PR8
The best way is to enter only the domain name. Anyway you can enter a url or host and we'll try to find the domain in it.
Yes, but you have to enter them in punycode.
Yes, you have daily limits of requests. It depends on different factors and could be between 40 and 200 requests.
Yes. Just contact us.
Yes, we can provide you data in CSV, JSON and XML.
It's possible - please, contact us.